
- When your order has been placed, a confirmation email is sent to the email address provided by the customer. It takes 3-5 business days for us to process your order. The shipping takes 1-7 business days. If your item for some reason can not be shipped within this time frame, we will contact you immediately. After your parcel has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation. All items are shipped with traceable shipping. 

- A shipping fee is added to your order upon check out. All orders are sent with Postnord. If you placed your order outside of Sweden the buyer is responsible for any custom fees and charges that are applied by their country to imports.

- If you placed an order with us and did not received your order confirmation, it may be because you entered the wrong email address when you placed the order. Please contact right away, so we can correct your e-mail address. It may also be because the order has not gone through for some reason, then contact us before placing a new order, to avoid double orders.

- If it has been 8 days after you placed your order and you have not yet received your notification from Postnord, please contact us. Please get in touch with us as the package only remains for 14 days.